티스토리 뷰
훌륭한 무기는 불길한 것이니 모두가 싫어한다.
그러므로 도가 있는 사람은 가까이 하지 않는다.
군자는 평상시엔 왼쪽을 귀하게 여기고
전시에는 오른쪽을 귀하게 여긴다.
무기는 불길한 것이니
군자가 사용하는 수단이 아니다.
어쩔 수 없이 사용할 때는 담담한 태도를 취하고
승리해도 아름답게 여기지 않는다.
승리를 아름답게 여기는 자는 살인을 즐기는 것이니
살인을 즐기는 자는 세상의 뜻을 얻을 수 없다.
좋은 일에는 왼쪽을 우선하고 흉한 일에는 오른쪽을 우선한다.
부사령관은 왼쪽에 총사령관은 오른쪽에 자리한다.
이는 장례의 예에 따라 하는 것이다.
많은 사람을 죽이면 슬픔으로 애도하고
전쟁에 이기면 장례의 예를 갖춘다.
[도덕경, 이석명 역, 올제 클래식스, 2012]
夫佳兵者, 不祥之器 物或惡之.
故有道者, 不處.
君子居則貴左, 用兵則貴右.
兵者, 不祥之器
不得已而用之, 恬淡爲上 勝而不美.
而美之者, 是樂殺人.
夫樂殺人者, 則不可得志於天下矣.
吉事尙左, 凶事尙右 偏將軍居左, 上將軍居右 言以喪禮處之.
殺人之衆, 以哀悲泣之 戰勝. 以喪禮處之.
[老子道德經 河上公章句 ]
31. 偃武
The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Translated by Stephen Mitchell
Weapons are the tools of violence;
all decent men detest them. Weapons are the tools of fear; a decent man will avoid them
except in the direst necessity
and, if compelled, will use them
only with the utmost restraint.
Peace is his highest value.
If the peace has been shattered,
how can he be content?
His enemies are not demons,
but human beings like himself.
He doesn't wish them personal harm.
Nor does he rejoice in victory.
How could he rejoice in victory
and delight in the slaughter of men? He enters a battle gravely, with sorrow and with great compassion,
as if he were attending a funeral.
Lao Tzu: Tao te ching: a book about the way and the power of the way/a new English version by
Ursula K. Le Guin, with J. P. Seaton.
31 Against war
Even the best weapon
is an unhappy tool,
hateful to living things.
So the follower of the Way stays away from it.
Weapons are unhappy tools,
not chosen by thoughtful people,
to be used only when there is no choice, and with a calm, still mind,
without enjoyment.
To enjoy using weapons
is to enjoy killing people,
and to enjoy killing people
is to lose your share in the common good.
It is right that the murder of many people be mourned and lamented.
It is right that a victor in war
be received with funeral ceremonies.
English translation: James Legge
31 1(Stilling war)
Now arms, however beautiful, are instruments of evil omen, hateful, it may be said, to all creatures. Therefore they who have the Dao do not like to employ them.
The superior man ordinarily considers the left hand the most honourable place, but in time of war the right hand. Those sharp weapons are instruments of evil omen, and not the instruments of the superior man; - he uses them only on the compulsion of necessity. Calm and repose are what he prizes; victory (by force of arms) is to him undesirable. To consider this desirable would be to delight in the slaughter of men; and he who delights in the slaughter of men cannot get his will in the kingdom.
On occasions of festivity to be on the left hand is the prized position; on occasions of mourning, the right hand. The second in command of the army has his place on the left; the general commanding in chief has his on the right; - his place, that is, is assigned to him as in the rites of mourning. He who has killed multitudes of men should weep for them with the bitterest grief; and the victor in battle has his place (rightly) according to those rites.
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